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Showing posts from September, 2014

Analysis Vs Synthesis

The 2 skillsets that a product manager needs a lot are Analysis and Synthesis. I am a business analyst who turned into a product manager. It is easier for me to be reliant on my analysis skills since that is what I am trained as a business analyst. However, what is also equally important is the synthesis skills. How are they different Analysis refers to the ability to break down a problem into constituents and start attacking them. This helps the product manager a lot when there is enough feedback from users and all the product manager has to do is just carry it out. There is no need for prioritisation from the side of the product manager since the user’s preference would clearly give that information as well. This works well when the product is an already released product and it is not difficult to understand what is needed and why it is needed. Synthesis, on the other hand, refers to the ability to piece together multiple pieces of information to understand t