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Showing posts from July, 2015

How to get more zing out of your job

A job is a social contract - the one between the individual and the organization as an entity. The organization wants our skills as much as we want the opportunity and the money One of my first mentors told me that for employees , employability is more important that employment. That means that we need to pick up skills as we do our job - skills that will help us continue in our employment. This is the age of knowledge workers and we have enough avenues to pick up new skills. This is what I do:

Slotting a ware house for fulfillment

We discussed about how picking is going to become important in e-commerce a f ew posts back . The strategy of picking from store ware houses instead of centralized warehouses is a good move, but we should never over-look another warehouse operation that is as important as picking - slotting. In fact, slotting is what determines how we design the warehouse in the first place. This statement is obviously slightly exaggerated - but it is one of the main factors.

Scaling Retail Operations - Linking systems and Changing business landscape

Retail Operations have always had challenges with scaling. Most of the challenges are related to typical operation processes and some of them are related to personnel and training. Operational process challenges include designing process for operational efficiencies, identifying bottle necks, typical logistical challenges, ability to matchup supply to demand - both increasing and decreasing supply to match demand. With the advent of science in the last 30-40 years, most of the operational challenges have been solved. Personnel and training is another challenge - trying to continuously up-skill people on new technologies and processes. This is a constant challenge. However, with the advent of universities that tie up with industry, this challenge is also partially solved. Vocational training helps industry with more trained candidates for the industry. There are organizations at various levels of maturity that still face these challenges However, Retail operations industry as a whole