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Showing posts from 2016

Marginal cost of delivery

Big programs of work tend to be comprised of several small IT projects stitched together. Business architecture makes sense that way - build and release in small doses and keep building. Momentum - in both IT roadmap and business outcomes - is great and demonstrable in this way. Theoretically, Everything goes smooth and the program is complete and every one is happy. However, in reality, things never go as per plan. No plan survives the impact when the rubber meets the road.

The cost of delayed decisions in Enterprise

Large enterprises have started their IT journey in earnest. However, they are miles behind what is happening.  Some of them have been trying to learn faster by creating research programs or separate business unites to try out and learn a few exotic ideas that have not yet gained acceptance in the industry or enterprise. Enterprises have moved record collection and data to IT long back and were pioneers in that. However, since the advent of personal computers, they have been left behind. Internet and mobile have left them far behind. For example, Network security, big data, mobile apps. social applications are solved problems that the enterprise choose to ignore. 

From Idea to reality - The progress of an Idea

 I have been thinking of writing a simple app for locating trash cans at Chennai. The first thing anyone would do was to see if the idea has been already implemented. Sure enough, it has been. This is the app - Check it out. When I tried using the app, I found out that there were only few trash cans. This was a crowd sourced application. I guess this app was not used much. The Spark This led me to questioning myself - What problem led me to this application. I yearned to live in a place that was clean. My assumption was that if people found places to throw thrash, they would not litter. Going ahead with your idea