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Showing posts from January, 2015

Omni Channel Digital strategy - Personalize Content

When you , as a business, are acquiring digital contacts from multiple channels, there is no way you could serve content that could be relevant to every one. The best way forward is to personalize the content based on the user profile information. More information we have regarding a digital contact, more personalized the content can be.

Omni Channel Digital Strategy - A New Business Series

Coming in a week, we are going to present a series of posts on Omni-Channel Digital strategy and how companies can be more prepared to understand and handle digital strategy in today's world. Companies, both digital as well as brick and mortar, are acquiring digital contacts through various channels.  These channels include social, enterprise, support, mobile, partners among others. The main challenge is how to make sure that they stay engaged. In a series of posts, we will discuss what will help them with this challenge. In a Nutshell, the companies will have to do the following : Personalise Content Strong Forums Connect with online contacts offline Unified messaging across all channels Drive digital strategy through business strategy We will discuss in detail about each of these in the coming weeks.

Product design with end users

Have you ever noticed how terrible the parking signs are in any major US city. When you need to park your car in any major US city, it takes 5 minutes to decipher the information in the parking sign to understand if it is ok to park in that spot. Nikki Sylianteng , a designer , turned this problem into an opportunity and posted her designs nearby some of these parking signs. The new designs evoked good response. You can read all bout that here at Priceonomics .